Tuesday, March 31, 2009

mr. bone

Mr. Bones is a movie about a white man who accidently join the community of tribe during his early age. Since he was young he was different from other and the head of the tribe find him very special from the stone reading accident. The accident had made him became the predictor of future by analysing the stone. After many years, something have made him have to get out of his place and see the outside world. From my point of view, Mr. Bone is a hillarious movie. This movie make me laugh as the character of Mr. Bone is a very funny. Mr. Bone himself also make us laughing. He has the hat that he had from he was small, the hat is decorated with animal's parts. His clothes made from animal's skin. He make things in his own way as he is not familiar with the modern world. But he is very determined. He make sure his mission completed. But this movie is a bit disgusting as it associate too much with shit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Asian cuisine / Western cuisine

Asian cuisine is a cuisine from Asia which includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore, Burma, India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. Meanwhile, western cuisine includes of Europe and to some extent Russia, as well as non-indigenous cuisines of North America, Australasia, Oceania, and Latin America. To answer the question are Asian cuisine is more exotic than Western cuisine? A ‘yes’ will be a perfect answer.

Ban Harry Potter from School for Promoting Witchcraft?

Harry Porter is a famous book and movie around the globe. Who do not know Harry Potter? He is unlucky wizard who lost his parents in his early age. His parent died killed by a strongest power in their world. Now the power is searching for him wanted to kill him, since from the legend saids that only Harry Porter can distroy the power. Harry Porter books written by J. K. Rowling is a must have book for some children. but an issue pops out when some parents want harry porter to be ban from school. why this issue should comes suddenly. Im totally disagree with this issue. Banning harry porter is ridiculous. harry porter attract more than half children in the world to read the collection of Harry Porter books. By banning it, passion of some children to read books even not Harry Porter book will lose. Harry Porter books tells children to read more and more and use their imagination to imagine the stories. it will make children learn more about languange, vocabulary and grammar and not to forget, children will be more creative as their using their imagination. getting creative is important part in school as it will help children in essays writing. Some parents says it will limit their children readings since Harry Porter only have 7 episode but this is untrue, after Harry Porter, J. K Rowling comes more books in this genre and the latest is The Tales of Beedle The Bard. So limiting the children reading is not the reosons. with all the points given above, i am strongly disagree to ban Harry Porter from school. Harry Porter is a big help for teacher to get children to read more. Harry Porter also make children loves book.

thing around campus.

living in uitm penang is not that hard, it just that if you are the resident of kolej baiduri, this thing will bugging you somehow. the issue is? we are only allowed to be outside the kolej until 11pm. well it does not sound ridiculous at first but just imagine, you have a night class, it started on 8pm. usually at baiduri, cafeteria will have a break from 7pm to 8pm. after class finish you want to grab some food. there is no food left at cafe at this time. so you went to foodcourt to grab some, somehow it will over 11pm. then when you enter baiduri, this jpk will scold you. sometimes if you come late because of meeting also your name will be taken. it is not wrong to have a time limit, infact, it is good. but the time must be reasonable for all. not only for part of student who does not have night class. the time limit to enter UiTM itself is 11pm, how come baiduri have the same time of it. this thing should be reconsider for good purpose.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Benefits of Space Exploration

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is our very first Malaysian, who went to space exploration on October, 10 2007. After 2 years passes, the question plays are, is space exploration bringing any benefits? What are the benefits? Here some of the benefit of space exploration.

By space exploration, our technologies are improving. During these past few years, since space exploration been introduced, more than 1500 commercial product invented. For example, rain water purification system, satellite radio, cell phone technology, cordless tools and many more. This is clearly shown that space exploration brings benefits in our technology.

We also have created a lot of innovation. A survey of 146 senior executives by Christian & Timbers in 2004 found that 69% agreed with a prediction that the Vision for Space Exploration would drive new technology and boost venture capital markets.

Space exploration also brings benefits to medical field. For example, Digital hearing aids, miniature heart pumps, cancer detection devices, common smoke detectors, fire-resistant aircraft seats, safety grooving on roads, LASIK eye surgery, humanitarian demining devices, and numerous other medical and safety devices and improvements trace their origins to space technology.

Last, space exploration make us learned more about our home planet and how best to preserve and protect it due to improved software and imaging developed from the space program. Space technology is responsible for rainwater purification systems for developing countries and numerous environmentally friendly products.

As the conclusion space exploration bring a lot of benefits to mankind. So space exploration is a need to make our country development become bigger.